Psychology as a Science of Behaviour

Psychology as a Science of Behaviour:

Previous all definitions were rejected and psychologist finally defined as the science of behavior, so it is a systematic study of all that man does in respone to the world things and persons with the time psychology changes its nature of study and in tjis aspect, “first psychology lost its soul, then mind and then its consciousness. It still has behaviour of sort (Woodworth). The discussion give an idea that “Psychology is a scientific study of behaviour of organisms.”

Meaning of Behaviour:

The term behaviour in itself has border meaning, the Woodworth psychologist says “Any manifestation of life is activity, and behaviour is a collective name for all such activities. Cognitive activities (related to the knowledge, recall and thinking), affective activities (feelings sach as anger, happiness and jealousy) and conative activities (walking, drawing, playing, fighting, etc).” So, behaviour encodes entire life activities and experiences of all living organisms.

Psychology as a Science: 

Psychology as a Science | top2articles by Saeed Ali Lakho

Psychology is included in circle of science because of the following principles:-

  1. Psychologist have organized the theories of psychology in laws and principles. 
  2. Psychology believes on objectivity, validity for assessment and reliability of behaviour. 
  3. It doesnot rely on subjective ideas and informations.
  4. Fully scientific approaches are applied to assess the behaviour in psychology. Following steps are followed in research of psychology like, hypothesis, data collection, analysis, findings and generalization are employed which gives its scientific plateforms.
  5. We can also get same result of experiment  with the study of behaviour. 
  6. Psychology is a science that helps us to understand, describe, control and predict behaviour.

Educational Psychology: 

Educational psychology is included in an applied branch of psychology.  It is collection of two words, namely education and psychology.  Earlierly we have explained the term psychology and let us describe the next term education.

Education’s Meaning: 

Popularly, education is namedas it is the modification of behaviour in desirable direction. The term “Education” is taken from Greek language “Educare” which means ‘to bring up’ or ‘to raise‘. Both the meanings of “Educare” (to bring ip/ to raise) means shapping the behaviour and habits,as the society demands to an individual. Education is, so, development of desirable attitudes, habits and skills which help an individual to move side by side with society.
Domently, in the process of education we try to scaffold the individuals behaviour.  In this system of behaviour helps her/his healthy adjustment in society.

Relation of Education and Psychology:

Previously, we have interpreted both the psychology is the study of behaviour. Education as the modification of behaviour. By nature they are interconnected. The modification of behaviour cannot be easily brought, until we have the knowledge of science of behaviour. The teachers are unaware of students mentality, they must have knowledge about the development stages, personality development and emotions of the students in order to be a great master. If teacher is aware of psychological characteristics of the students, he/she may be successful in bringing about the desirable changes in the behaviour of students toward studies also. If not there will be negative perspective of interest in the students toward studies.

Educational Psychology:

  • Definition:-

Educational psychology is derived from general psychology, that is primarily concerned with learners and how they respond to the different situations they meet in school and life conditions. The total field of educational psychology’s facts and principles that have directly bearing upon the learning, growth and adjustment of children. As the specific field, education psychology is the study of human behaviour as it expose learning and teaching activities. It is an application of principles of psychology to the problem of education. Davis supports the educational psychology and says,”Psychology has made a dominant contribution to education through its analysis of pupil potentialitiesand deference. It has also taken part directly to knowledge of pupil’s growth and maturation during school life”.

  1.  Skinner says, ‘Educational psychology deals with behaviour of human beings in educational situations’.
  1. Stephen argues, ‘Educational psychology is the systematic study of educational growth and development of the child’. 
  1. Crow and Crow define, ‘Educational psychology describes and explains the learning experiences of an individual from birth through old age’. 
  1. Kolesnik states, ‘Educational psychology is the application of the findings and theories of psychology in the field of education.’

Collectively the “Educational  psychology is a positive applied science which wmploys the principles and findings of psychology in the field of education”.

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