Over-apologizing Loses Your Confidence

Over-Apologizing Loses Your Confidence “Replace I am sorry with Thanks”

It’s not easy to be confident all the time. Many people practice different activities to gain confidence. In this article we are going to show you some unnecessary actions you repeat and seem less confident. Many of you are uncomfortable in their relationships profession and even unusual interaction with people due to lack of confidence.

  • I am not trying to impose my beliefs on you.
  • I’d like to expand on that.
  • Thanks
  • I desire.
  • Thanks for pointing that out, what else is worth knowing here?
  • Let’s look at this from another angle.
  • Can you give me feedback on how I can do this differently?

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According to experts “over-apologizing” is one of them that loses your temper and you always feel, you made a mistake. But don’t be afraid of this we will help you. How can you adjust over-apologizing habit and look confident easily?

According to Michelle PargmanOne bad habit that we may find ourselves in is over-apologizing.” When you don’t trust yourself, you repeat “I am sorry”, but people who are confident have their opinions and speak comfortably in front audience. Present your opinion and make it clear to people how can they believe on your words. Over-apologizing brings up a new question about your mentality that you are weak at reasoning and you fall in bad habit of saying ‘I am sorry’.

Have you ever think of it how many times you say ‘I am sorry’ without any reason?
What are the reasons you repeat ‘I am sorry’?

All these things come in your mind when you don’t follow the schedule. Like you have sick kid at home and without giving reason you apologise to being late in class or at office. You apologise for emotions, feelings and even success, we unintentionally devalue ourselves.

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According to Dalton apologizing activity found more in women than men. He found women apologise even thy hadn’t attempted any mistake or stupid thing. 

According to Pargman, women attempt to convey kindness, courtesy and compassion towards others. When they are attempting apologise it doesn’t mean she is wrong or made a mistake, but she feel that others have a right to say their opinions and views. But it is not necessary to attempt apologise all the time. 

There are better ways to do this. Be polite and strong to say your opinions in front of family, friends, teachers, head of office and even other people who comes in your life. He was use to say following authentic conversation replacing ‘I am sorry’.

So, in this way you can convey your message to any one without attempting apology, while still you are confident yourself even other disagree. All these ways help you to be confident and positive. Respect the other’s opinions and convey your thoughts strongly.

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