Why is Critical Thinking Important?

Why is Critical Thinking Important?

What is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking(to reflect, or have as an opinion) is the process of using reasoning to discern what is true, and what is false. A person uses the critical thinking approach to separate facts from opinions. An ideal critical thinker is open-minded, willing to discourse ethical matters, ready to explore all ideas and points of view including aliens opposed to their own because he is looking for truth. He uses his tools(research, experience and logic) to ferret out the truth, not to hide reality.

Critical thinking is the mode of thinking to explore any subject to improve the quality of a thing, rather than deceiving the world.

Each of us see the world through multiple lenses. Critical thinkers use self-disciplined, self-monitored, self-directed and self-corrective thinking qualities of reasoning to discover reality, and significantly they attempt to live rationally and emphatically. 

Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of skillfully and actively conceptualizing, analyzing, applying, evaluating information gathering from, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter: accuracy, clarity, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, true, correct, fairness and good reasons. 

Types of Thinking

We need to command our mind to determine what is true, what is false. 
We live in the world of thought, we think differently and there are different types of thinking. Let us examine the three types of thinking. 

The Naive Thinking 

The naive thinkers, those don’t care about, nor are they aware of their own thinking. They rely on someone else’s experience, also believe that they understand it without thinking about it. They always have some sort of reason not to think critically. In other words, they are thoroughly thinkers.

Naive types of critical thinkers don’t have questions because they don’t understand the subject truly, and are less interested to improve their critical thinking skills.

Naïve Thinker: 

  1. I don’t need to think. 
  2. I understand everything without thinking. 
  3. I just do whatever occurs to me to do. 
  4. I believe most of what I hear, most of what I see on TV and mostly everything I read on the internet. 
  5. I don’t need to waste a lot of time trying to figure things out. 
  6. If I need to find the answer to a problem, I just ask someone else. 
  7. I mostly go along with what everyone else is doing. 
  8. I do what I’m told, keep my mouth shut. 
  9. Thinking gets you into trouble.

The Selfish Thinking

The selfish critical thinker is one who uses his skills to get things that he wants, and he gets it without thinking about how his actions affect, also unfair to others.
Although a selfish critical thinker is not very honest, quickly tries to manipulate by telling people what he wants to listen to.

Selfish critical thinking level is generally self-centered and doesn’t care for others, even it may not be true. Sometimes selfish critical thinker says that he can’t do it, but he knows. He can do it.

A selfish critical thinker uses his thoughts for self-desire, and to get things at others’ expense. 

Selfish Thinker: 

  1. I think a lot. 
  2. It helps me get what I want. 
  3. I believe whatever I want to believe as long as it helps me to get what I want. 
  4. I question anyone who asks me to do what I don’t want to do. 
  5. It helps if you tell people what they want to hear, even if it isn’t true. 
  6. You only get into trouble when you tell people what they don’t want to hear.

The Fair-minded Thinking

The Fair-minded critical thinker isn’t only good at thinking, but also the wellbeing of others. Critical thinker makes the fair judgment and wants to improve his thinking skill, whenever he can do. He doesn’t prefer self desires, even he wants things himself. 

Human is not complete and perfect at everything, good one always try his best. A fair-minded critical thinker doesn’t always have the correct answers, but he works to improve his performance of thoughts over time. He works for the betterment of the world. He loves humanity and works for nations.

Fair-Minded Thinkers

  1. I think a lot. 
  2. It helps me learn and figure things out. 
  3. Not only do I want to understand the thinking of other people, but I want to understand myself and why I do things. 
  4. In order to understand other people, you have to look at their situation and think about what you would feel like if you were them. 
  5. I want to help create a better world for everyone.

Importance of Critical Thinking 

Thinking critical has the great importance at speaking. In image (a) you can see that red colour shows the active part of your brain while different activities, and it is highest active at thinking process. Brain is less active in other activities like listening to words, looking at words and speaking words. There is a great quote “Think before you speak. Read before you thinkFran Lebowitz. You wouldn’t have chance to think while speaking. 

You speak and unconsciously the placement of proper grammar, sentences structure any many more get set, and it reflects your previous critical thinking of those aspects. Following 5 importance of critical thinking give you a enough knowledge.

Why is critical thinking important report
Image (a)

5 Importance of Critical Thinking

#1 Critical thinking as an approach of awareness 

Critical thinking is an approach of crucial learning developments for the awareness of differing the problem solving, rather than relying on previous standards, uniform problem solving methodologies. 

Critical thinking approach also make you able how to identify other issues, inevitably increase your success.

#2 Critical thinking saves time

You already know that all the information is good for decision, but often we don’t know the relevant and irrelevant. It helps you filter out the relevant information to save time. It is well mannered approach for personality development. Prioritize your time by thinking critically that what is essential for the process. 

#3 Critical thinking an appreciation of differing worldviews 

Passing the judgement is not appropriate everytime, and critical thinking enables you to see beyond the issue; it’s cultural norms, race, gender, etc. Critical thinking emphasizes to understand the crucial effects of teamwork and leadership. They empathize with others viewpoint. 

#4 Excellence in communication 

Critical thinker make a effective decision and give you evidence for any premise. He supports his talk by giving consistent and relevant details. They know that power of words and he uses critical thinking approach to utter proper meaning. 

#5 Valid reasoning

Critical thinkers are reasoned and problem solver speakers. One can not become more reasoned and problem solver without these two types of reasoning: inductive and deductive, and the use over one another. Grounding decisions in reason and logic over emotion or instinct makes for effectual problem solving.

An ideal critical thinker separate facts from opinions, aware of problem analysing, choosing relevant details and valuable resources to make a decision successful.

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