Improve Memory Skills | Mental Health Awareness

How to Improve Memory Skills| Mental Health Awareness

Effective learning and a healthier mental approach can only be achieved by focusing on what do you do? You have to pay full attention to your work to get maximum output. Just reading and listening tips to improve memory power does not help you until and unless forcefully you apply these tips and tricks.

Try to focus on your goals and get help from these tips to fulfill these effectively. Everyone has the same size of the brain, somehow the metal approach can be different according to level and type of interest.

Number of things distract your goals and interest but do not lose your temper and the path with complexity. 

The first and most important step to be successful is that give sufficient to select your goal. Set up your goal within the limitations of resources and keen interest.
Set up a goal and choose the perfect long term path to be successful, shortcuts will demotivate you. 

Metal psychology impacts on your lifetime motivations, again and again, failures in shortcuts also distract you. Follow the successful personalities, how they have struggled, which kinds of difficulties they have faced.
Effective learning can only be achieved if you are attentive, what you are trying to learn. 

In this article, we will discuss the best eight effective learning strategies that can help your memory power.

Read, Read, Read

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. Charles W. Elio
Reading develops you emotionally, mentally, and psychologically. As a part of our academic curriculum, reading is a key factor in student’s educational development. At a higher level of education, teachers do not have enough time to listen to student’s reading, you have to make some adjustments read good articles, academic writings for a minimum of 30 minutes daily. Students love to read every day, not only perform better in reading tests, and also develop border vocabulary, general knowledge, and better learning of language variety.

Every book has a new chapter and information. Reading helps you discover yourself new as every book gives you a new different dimension of thought, books connect you with new events, emotions, characters, and experiences in the book. Reading books lead your dimensions of like and dislike anything.

Internet world impacts badly, people spent more time chatting, watching videos, and reading unnecessary memes, articles. Reading academic content like textbooks, research articles, newspapers, and magazines will enhance your understanding and mental awareness. One of the best activities to read the article and make your short notes.

Listen To Audio

Listening to audio is a powerful tool for increasing mental ability and also change the way we read, read more enhance your speaking and reading skills. Listen to audio lectures carefully and make handouts, it will create a strong connection to audio and pronunciations of words.

How can be audiobooks and lectures beneficial?
When you listen to audiobooks and lectures, you learn how to pronounce, and what should be that tone for different words? Listening to audios increase reading accuracy by 50%. It increases vocabulary, fluency, and reading speed.

The basic skill of language is to listen and we acquire 85% of what we know, we learn by listening. Listening audio is directly connected with speaking, listen more because it will improve your presentation and speaking skills.

Write Down Things

You write, when you understand properly about the idea of the chapter that you read. Reading and writing carefully help you write properly. To write what you have learned that will be remembered long term memory. Not everyone makes their own notes what they read from textbooks, listen to lectures because writing proper concepts with accurate knowledge and language of the text is not much easy as it seems. 

Every word of the text is not be added into the notes, writings with the proper concept, key points, and language of context is the command of writing skills. Strong skill of students learning write questions and answers, a good way to understand ideas of any topic and help you remember it.

Talk Out Loud

Read aloud that you can listen and remember quickly. When you read loudly you catching power fix it fast and you can finish it quickly. If you teach the same lesson, you will understand and remember it in long term memory. When you try to answer the questions, first you make it clear then answer to someone. 

Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a great activity to concise the information into simple terms and try to write the concept into fewer words. The information is divided into short diagrams that can be remembered easily with keywords. Mind mapping is only possible when you understand lessons properly and can find key terms, concepts, and words. 

Try to redraw the mind map whether you can write it by filling key terms of the lesson. The natural structure of mind mapping radiates from the center point in different designing patterns by using colorful pens and simple pictures. The effective thing about mind mapping is that your concept and thoughts popup when you see it.


Test yourself using past papers. Self-assessment is a great job for testing your knowledge about the lesson that you have read. This activity also familiarises you with the exam structures and formats, and helps you to be confident in the examination hall and attending questions properly. Textbook questions are the best paper for the exam preparation.


Practice makes a man perfect. It is important to keep the knowledge in practice, to keep going back over information that you learn previously. This is a great activity to engage yourself in education for the purpose of improvement. 

Nothing can be perfect without practicing again and again, and even you yourself can find the mistakes and make them perfect. Learning is closely linked with practice and progress, and help you mentally motivated. Try to remember things with different formats of learning.

Eat Properly

Having a good diet daily is important as fuelling the automobile to work properly. Good mental health can be achieved by fuelling mind healthy, it is an essential element of increasing focus and concentration. 

Research has also indicated that students learn better when they are physically good and well-nourished. Hungry ness may distract your mental attitude from learning. Balance diet has also a powerful effect on your mental energy level.

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7 Comments on “Improve Memory Skills | Mental Health Awareness”

  1. You're doing a great job Saeed. Keep it up. Mental health is one aspect of life we take for granted but it is at the very center of every thing we do. We must genuinely pay attention to it to avoid certain fearful setbacks. Keep visiting

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